
Legal documents, informations and procedures

Crewise Legal Hub


Be aware that the orignial version of this document, written in french language, is the only legally binding version. Also note that the terms used in this content should be understood in accordance with the applicable law in France.

Read original version (french)

Terms of Use of the CREWISE SUPPLIER Application

Article 1: Characteristics of the Application and main features

The company CREWISE GROUP (hereinafter referred to as "CREWISE") has developed a mobile application (hereinafter referred to as "Application") which aims to connect one or more members of a transport crew of any kind, particularly air or maritime (hereinafter referred to as "Crew User"), on the one hand, with one or more suppliers (hereinafter referred to as "Supplier") of all types of services intended for any person traveling by plane, on the other hand.

Essential characteristics of the digital service and digital content of the Application

The Application allows the connection of a Crew User, a member of a transport crew of any kind, particularly air or maritime, with suppliers of all types of services intended for any person traveling by plane.

The main features of the Application are:

  • A service for searching for a Supplier by geographic location.
  • A service for connecting the User and the Supplier.
  • A messaging service between a User and a Supplier.
  • A service for placing orders or concluding contracts online with the Supplier.
  • A recommendation and rating service for Suppliers by any User.
  • A list of suggestions and general information about destination countries and airports, which may include, depending on the country, weather, local currency, or customs information. The User acknowledges that this information is provided for informational purposes only, without prior verification, and does not in any way engage the responsibility of CREWISE.

The Application is compatible with any device connected to the internet and on which an up-to-date web browser is installed.

The Application is interoperable with Stripe (payment solution).

The existing restrictions on the use of the Application's services are described in this document.

The Application is accessible to any Supplier via the World Wide Web, after the Supplier activates their account or subscribes to the Application with CREWISE and according to the conditions provided in these terms of use. The use of the Application by the Supplier is, depending on the options chosen, free or paid. The Application is accessible and usable for free by any Crew User by downloading via the "App Store" and "Google Play Store". CREWISE's services are remunerated by the subscriptions paid by the Suppliers. Suppliers benefit, depending on their categories, the number of covered destinations, and/or their sizes, from the same tariff conditions without any preference right granted to one or the other of these Suppliers to ensure CREWISE's neutrality.

The Application offers an online tool allowing any Supplier who has activated their account to manage their Profile and any Supplier who has subscribed to the Application to publish and offer, depending on the options subscribed, their products and services to any User.

CREWISE only connects Crew Users and Suppliers. CREWISE is not responsible for the Suppliers recommended or rated by any Crew User within the framework or through the use of the Application.

Article 2: Purpose

These terms of use aim to define (i) the conditions and limits under which any Supplier of the Application accesses and has the right to use the Application and (ii) the rights and obligations of the Supplier and CREWISE.

Any Supplier acknowledges that they access and use the Application for professional purposes within the framework of their professional activity, excluding any private use and excluding any purposes that would not fall within the scope of their commercial, industrial, artisanal, or liberal activity.

Article 3: Scope


Article 4: Acceptance of these terms of use

Before any registration and/or use of the Application and at the latest on the day of creating a Supplier account (hereinafter referred to as the "Account"), consisting of a personal and secure space for the Supplier allowing them to use the Application with login credentials (hereinafter referred to as the "Login Credentials"), any Supplier acknowledges having read these terms of use and having accepted them firmly and without reservation.

Article 5: Owner, Publisher, and Host of the Application

The owner and publisher of the Application is the company CREWISE GROUP, SAS with a share capital of 900 €, having its registered office at 46 Boulevard RISSO in 06300 NICE (France), registered with the RCS of Nice under number 922269709, Email:, Phone: +33 7 56 94 51 38, VAT number FR54922269709.

The publication director is Mr. Mallory MORTIER.

The host of the Application is the company SCALINGO SAS, 13 rue Jacques Peirotes in 67000 STRASBOURG, registered with the RCS of Strasbourg under number 808665483, Email:

Article 6: Access to the Application

Access prohibited to minors
Access and use of the Application are reserved for individuals over fifteen (15) years old.

Limited access to Suppliers

Access and use of the Application are reserved for Crew Users, individuals or legal entities, who are members of an air transport crew, on the one hand, and only Suppliers with an Account on the Application after activating an Account or subscribing to the Application, on the other hand.

The Application is accessible and can be used by a Supplier after (i) activating an Account and, if applicable, (ii) subscribing to a paid subscription to the Application.

The Supplier can freely create their Account after receiving the link by providing login credentials. The Login Credentials consist of (i) the email address provided by the Supplier (serving as a unique identifier) and (ii) a password.

When subscribing to a subscription, CREWISE communicates, for security purposes, to the Supplier by postal mail sent to the postal address provided by the Supplier a security code to be entered by the Supplier. Upon receipt of this code, the Supplier must enter this code from their Account to confirm their identity.

The Login Credentials are intended to reserve access and use of the Application by the Supplier securely and to protect the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of the data, information, and content created, transmitted by the Supplier, or available on the Application.

The Login Credentials are strictly personal, confidential, and non-transferable and are reserved for the exclusive use of the Supplier and their personnel (employees only), excluding any other individual or legal entity. Consequently, the Supplier undertakes to do everything possible to keep their Login Credentials secret and not to disclose them in any form.

In case of loss, theft, misappropriation, or unauthorized use of their Login Credentials, the Supplier must immediately inform CREWISE by email sent to The company CREWISE reserves the right to temporarily suspend access to the Supplier's Account, without compensation and without engaging its responsibility, during the procedure for generating a new password.

CREWISE may at any time implement any procedure that the company CREWISE deems appropriate to ensure the security of the Application and in particular send the Supplier any security question.

The Supplier undertakes to access and use the Application at all times under good technical conditions to ensure all measures of backup and protection against possible intrusions into the Application or through their Login Credentials. It is the Supplier's responsibility, who connects to their Account from a terminal or phone that is not theirs, to disconnect their Account after each use. All data, information, content, or messages sent from their Account are presumed to be sent by the Supplier and engage their responsibility.

Article 7: Creation of content on Suppliers

Creation of a "Supplier" profile - Each Supplier has a page (hereinafter referred to as "Profile") on the Application containing various information about the Supplier, including their company name, name and/or first name, postal address, postal, electronic, and telephone contact details, opening hours, products and services, prices and any fees, and, in general, any pre-contractual or contractual information at the Supplier's choice. Any Supplier's Profile can be (i) completed by the Supplier or (ii) suggested by any Crew User. In the latter case, this Profile is published at CREWISE's discretion after simply verifying the existence of the Supplier by CREWISE's teams based on freely accessible data on the world wide web.

Creation and/or updating of content by the Supplier – The Application allows any Supplier with an Account on the Application with CREWISE to manage the generic information of their Profile. Any Supplier who has subscribed to a Subscription to the Application can also complete their Profile with personalized information and content. It is the responsibility of any Supplier to enter and update their Profile with accurate, truthful, and transparent information. The Supplier undertakes to immediately enter on their Profile any modification, including any change of company name, registered office, place of operation, place of delivery, prices, opening hours. Any Supplier can only benefit from one Profile per geographic establishment.

Any information about a Supplier on the Application can also be entered and/or modified based on suggestions made on the Application by a Crew User. In this case, any suggestions made by a Crew User may be subject, prior to their publication, to verification by the Supplier who has subscribed to a subscription with CREWISE for the use of the Application. CREWISE does not guarantee the accuracy of any information about a Supplier and disclaims all responsibility in case of inaccurate, erroneous, or incomplete information. It is the Supplier's responsibility to ensure the accuracy of this information.

The Supplier is solely responsible for all data, information, or content created or transmitted by them when using the Application. They remain solely responsible for the compliance of this data, information, and content with all applicable legal provisions, particularly the laws applicable to freedom of expression, intellectual property, image rights, and personal data protection. The Supplier guarantees that they have all intellectual property rights and image rights on the data, information, and content and that this data, information, and content do not infringe any third-party rights. In all cases, the Supplier undertakes not to publish any content, including:

  • (i) inciting racial hatred, hatred against people on the grounds of their sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability, violence, including incitement to sexual and gender-based violence, discrimination, incitement to commit acts of terrorism and their glorification, child pornography,
  • (ii) promoting third-party suppliers,
  • (iii) defamatory, insulting or disparaging of a competitor or its products and services,
  • (iv) inciting computer hacking,
  • (v) violating the privacy of any third party,
  • (vi) violating human dignity,
  • (vii) promoting behaviour that is dangerous or harmful to the health and safety of any third party, such as incitement to suicide, self-harm, or the consumption of illicit substances,
  • (viii) infringing the intellectual property rights of any third party or inciting counterfeiting,
  • (ix) fraudulent, misleading or deceptive.

CREWISE reserves the right to (i) delete any data, information or content contrary to this article without prior information or notification to the Supplier and without compensation of any kind whatsoever, (ii) to temporarily suspend any Account in the event of a dispute over the deletion of any data, information or content contrary to this article for the entire duration of the dispute or (iii) to inform any competent authority according to the applicable laws and in particular in the event of suspicion of the commission of an offense.

The Supplier grants CREWISE a free and non-exclusive right to use any data, information or content created, edited, provided or made available by the Supplier or on its behalf in the Application. This right of use includes the rights of reproduction and representation in whole or in part of these contents for the entire duration of the intellectual property rights, for the entire world, to store, access, reproduce, represent, modify, translate, publish and in general, use these contents in whole or in part on all media, in particular all digital media, or media in order to (i) allow the proper functioning of the Application, which includes the provision of online content on the Application to any Crew User, and where applicable (ii) to ensure the promotion and advertising of CREWISE services.

The Supplier guarantees CREWISE, as well as all its staff members, against any recourse, complaint, claim for compensation, claim or procedure of any kind from any Crew User or third party regarding all data, information or content created, edited, provided or made available by the Supplier or for the Supplier and undertakes to indemnify CREWISE as well as all its staff members for all costs (including fees, expenses and legal costs) and damages related to these recourses, complaints, claims for compensation, claims or procedures of any kind. All data, information or content may be subject to automatic translation by the automatic translation tools included in the Application, which the Supplier accepts. It is the Supplier's responsibility to verify the quality and accuracy of all translations.

Article 8: Order placed with a Supplier or contract concluded with a Supplier

The Supplier acknowledges that CREWISE does not provide any service other than the provision and maintenance of the Application to enable the connection of the Crew User with a Supplier. The role of CREWISE is limited to a technical intermediary role. CREWISE is in no way the representative, agent or proxy of a Supplier or a Crew User. CREWISE is neither a seller nor a buyer.

CREWISE is not a party to the contract concluded directly between the Crew User and the Supplier. Any order with a Supplier is subject to the Supplier's terms of sale.

CREWISE cannot be held responsible for any poor execution of an order placed or a contract concluded with the Supplier, the latter being solely responsible to the Crew User or any third party for the proper execution of the order placed or the contract concluded.

CREWISE is not responsible for the information provided by any Crew User and does not guarantee the accuracy of the data, information or content of any Crew User or concerning any Crew User.

CREWISE declines all responsibility in the event of any dispute of any kind between a Crew User and a Supplier or any other service provider whose data is available on the Application.

It is the Supplier's responsibility to comply with all applicable laws and regulations for any order placed by a Crew User or any contract concluded with them.

Article 9: Payment by Crew Users

The Application includes a payment service from a third-party provider, the company STRIPE. It is the Supplier's responsibility to comply with the conditions applicable to any payment made through the services of the company STRIPE available at the following link

Article 10: Search results and referencing of Suppliers

Suppliers are referenced according to the CREWISE referencing policy accessible and publicly available for free consultation at the following link: The Supplier acknowledges having read this policy.

Article 11: Reviews from Crew Users

Any Crew User has the ability to leave a review on the Supplier. The review, its date and any updates are displayed directly in the Application without prior moderation.

The Supplier has the possibility to report to CREWISE any doubt about the authenticity of a review free of charge, provided that this report is duly justified.

CREWISE reserves the right, after analyzing the report, to delete this review or leave it online. In case of dispute, the Supplier can follow the procedure available on the page .

Article 12: Availability and interruption of the Application

CREWISE undertakes to ensure that the Supplier can access and use the Application subject to:

  • i) interruption of electronic communication services, telecommunications or the Internet network. CREWISE cannot guarantee the continuity of the Application without interruption due to the technical hazards inherent in communication means and the Internet network and the resulting access interruptions.
  • ii) interruptions necessary for the proper functioning of the Application, particularly for maintenance following any security breach or anomaly found that prevents normal operation of the Application or the addition of any new functionality to the Application. In this case, except in emergencies, maintenance interventions are carried out from 8:00 PM to 6:00 AM (Paris, France time). CREWISE strives to limit the number and duration of interventions.

Interruptions do not give rise to any compensation and CREWISE cannot be held responsible for any potential impact of this unavailability on the Supplier's activities or in case of an order placed by a Crew User or a contract concluded with a Crew User during this unavailability.

Access to or use of the Application may also be restricted for security purposes by CREWISE when accessing from unidentified or suspicious terminals.

Article 13: Assistance

CREWISE provides a technical assistance service to any Supplier who has subscribed to the Application. The service is available on working days (except Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays according to French legal provisions) from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (Paris, France time) by email sent to: Any technical assistance request and any technical assistance are billed at CREWISE's current rates on the day of the technical assistance request.

Article 14: Price

The rights granted by these terms of use are granted under the price conditions agreed in any subscription taken out by the Supplier. The payment terms and deadlines are those contained in CREWISE's general terms of sale.

Article 15: Duration

These terms of use (which include the license to use the Application) are applicable from the activation of the Account by the Supplier and during (i) the entire duration of the use of the free Account by the Supplier or (ii) the entire duration of the subscription to the Application by the Supplier.

Article 16: Intellectual property and license to use

CREWISE is and remains the owner of all intellectual property rights of the Application as well as all the elements constituting the Application whether these elements are taken individually or together, which includes software developments, databases and content of the Application.

Right to use the Application - Access and use of the Application by the Supplier in strict compliance with the provisions set out in these terms of use grant them a simple, limited, non-exclusive, personal and non-transferable right to use the Application, during the duration of the subscription taken out by the Supplier, for their sole needs of connecting with any Crew User of the Application. This right to use does not, however, confer any other intellectual property rights to the Supplier. The Supplier therefore undertakes, except in cases provided for in Article L.122-6-1 of the French Intellectual Property Code, in particular to:

  • i) Represent, reproduce or exploit in whole or in part the Application as well as all elements taken individually or together of the Application without the express, written and prior authorization of CREWISE, in accordance with Article L. 122-4 of the French Intellectual Property Code.
  • ii) Reproduce, represent or implement permanently or temporarily the Application as well as all elements taken individually or together of the Application in whole or in part, by any means and in any form, including during loading, display, execution, transmission or storage of the Application as well as all elements taken individually or together of the Application, except when they are strictly necessary to allow the use of the Application, in accordance with its purpose by the Supplier.
  • iii) Translate, adapt, alter, arrange or modify the Application as well as all elements taken individually or together of the Application, except when they are strictly necessary to allow the use of the Application, in accordance with its purpose by the Supplier.
  • iv) Distribute or market for free or for a fee, including rental, the Application as well as all elements taken individually or together of the Application.
  • v) Export, merge with other software, make available to third parties, commercialize, sell, distribute, rent, sublicense or lend the Application as well as all elements taken individually or together of the Application.
  • vi) Make a backup copy of the Application as well as all elements taken individually or together of the Application, except when this backup copy is strictly necessary to preserve the use of the Application.
  • vii) Decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, translate the object code of the Application into source code or have it done by a third party.
  • viii) Intervene or have a third party intervene on the Application as well as on all elements taken individually or together of the Application, including to correct any errors. CREWISE expressly reserves the exclusive right to intervene on the Application, particularly to correct errors or anomalies.

Databases of the Application - CREWISE is and remains the owner of all intellectual property rights on the databases of the Application and has the rights related to any producer of a database. The Supplier therefore undertakes to:

  • i) Extract, by permanent or temporary transfer of all or a qualitatively or quantitatively substantial part of the content of the database of the Application to another medium, by any means and in any form, which includes the use of any robot or automatic data extraction tool as well as "scraping", "crawling" or "spiders" techniques.
  • ii) Reuse, by making available to the public all or a qualitatively or quantitatively substantial part of the content of the database of the Application, in any form, which includes creating their own database by reusing the data of the Application.
  • iii) Extract or reuse repeatedly and systematically parts qualitatively or quantitatively non-substantial of the content of the database of the Application when these operations clearly exceed the normal conditions of use of the database.

Contents of the Application - The contents of the Application edited by CREWISE are and remain the exclusive property of CREWISE. The Supplier undertakes to (i) represent, (ii) reproduce or (iii) generally use in whole or in part these contents without the express, written and prior authorization of CREWISE, in accordance with Article L. 122-4 of the French Intellectual Property Code. CREWISE is not, however, the owner of the rights to the content published by any person on the Application, particularly by any Crew User or Supplier who alone remains responsible for this content.

Trademarks – The Supplier undertakes not to use any trademark, property of CREWISE.

Use of third-party services – The use of the Application may require the use of services belonging to third parties (examples: to store owners, mobile operators, payment service providers). The Supplier undertakes to comply with all contractual conditions of third parties for the use of these services.

Sanctions - Non-compliance with the provisions of this article may constitute an act of counterfeiting that engages the civil and criminal liability of the Supplier.

Article 17: Hosting

The hosting of the Application is done in the cloud with a secure hosting provider with which CREWISE has established a service contract.

Article 18: Application update

CREWISE reserves the right to modify the Application at any time in whole or in part to maintain, adapt or evolve the functionalities of the Application, including by performing security updates.

Article 19: Force majeure

CREWISE cannot be held responsible if the non-performance or delay in the performance of any of its obligations results from a case of force majeure.

The Supplier acknowledges that the following are considered as force majeure under these terms of use, in addition to those usually recognized by the jurisprudence of French courts and tribunals: war(s), social unrest (strike(s) or lock-out situation(s)), attack(s), bad weather, epidemic(s), pandemic(s), earthquake(s), flood(s), water damage, fire(s), blocking or interruption of the Internet, blocking or interruption of communication means, transport or supply (including electronic communication and telecommunications networks).

CREWISE will inform the Supplier by any means allowing to confer a certain date to the event of its inability to perform its obligations. The suspension of the obligations cannot in any case be a cause of liability for non-performance of the obligation in question, nor induce the payment of damages or late penalties.

Article 20: Warranty

The Application is a standard application, designed and made available to Crew Users and Suppliers to satisfy the greatest number of Crew Users. It is not a custom-made application for the Supplier.

The Application is provided "as is".

The Supplier acknowledges that it is not possible, given the uncertainties of computing and the Internet, for the Application to operate without interruption, bugs, or errors.

Article 21: Liability

Connecting a Crew User and a Supplier - The Application is an application for connecting Crew Users with Suppliers. CREWISE is not a party to the contract concluded between the Crew User and the Supplier. The Supplier uses the Application at its own exclusive responsibility. CREWISE cannot be held responsible for any damage or harm resulting from the operation or use of the Application by the Supplier in its relations with any Crew User, particularly for any order placed or contract concluded with any Crew User via the Application, any content published or edited by Suppliers or any other Crew User, or any messages exchanged with Crew Users. Any decision made by the Supplier using the features included in the Application is made at its own exclusive risk and under its sole responsibility.

CREWISE's liability and exclusion of indirect damages - CREWISE's liability can only be engaged for a fact directly attributable to it and causing direct, foreseeable, and certain harm to the Supplier, excluding any indirect or unforeseeable damages or harm. Indirect or unforeseeable losses or damages of the Supplier or third parties include, in particular, any indirect harm recognized by French jurisprudence, immaterial harm, lost profit, loss, inaccuracy or corruption of files or data, commercial harm, loss of operation, loss of turnover, loss of profit, loss of clientele, loss of order, damage to brand image, destruction or deterioration of files or programs, or any loss of opportunity of any kind, related to or resulting from the non-performance or poor performance of one or more of CREWISE's obligations.

Liability cap - In any case, if CREWISE's liability were to be engaged, the compensation for the Supplier's harm will be limited, all damages combined, to the total amount of the prices paid by the Supplier to CREWISE, even if the Supplier's harm proves to be greater. This compensation cap does not apply in case of theft or gross negligence committed by CREWISE within the framework of the contract.

Time limit for legal action - In case of non-performance or poor performance by CREWISE of any of its contractual obligations, whatever the cause, the Supplier must bring a claim before the competent courts within a maximum period of one (1) year from the date on which the Supplier first became aware of the non-performance or poor performance. In any case, CREWISE's liability can only be engaged for the sole damage directly caused by CREWISE, without any joint or several liability with a third party who contributed to the damage.

Exclusion of liability - In any event, CREWISE cannot be held responsible:

  • i) For the accuracy of any information concerning any Suppliers or Crew Users.
  • ii) For any content not published by CREWISE.
  • iii) For any rating or recommendation of a Supplier made by a Crew User or a third party.
  • iv) For any order placed by a Crew User or contract concluded by a Crew User with a Supplier.
  • v) For any failure of a Supplier of any kind (examples: late delivery, incorrect quantity delivered, poor quality delivered, ...) or a Crew User of any kind (examples: unpaid invoices, refusal to accept a delivery, ...).
  • vi) For the consequences in case of failure of equipment, including any failure of physical supports (examples: computer, phone, tablet, ...) or computer networks (example: Internet, ...) of the Supplier, the Crew User, or a third party.
  • vii) For the accidental or non-accidental destruction of data by the Supplier or a third party who accessed the Application using the Supplier's login credentials.
  • viii) In case of abnormal or fraudulent use by the Supplier or third parties requiring the shutdown of the Application for security reasons.
  • ix) For the Supplier's non-compliance with these terms of use or any national or international law or regulation and the resulting consequences.
  • x) For the consequences in case of interruption, service degradation, or failure of the Internet network, Internet access services, or any public or private electronic communications operator, telecommunications, or interruptions of the Application related to the inherent uncertainty of computing and the Internet.
  • xi) For the consequences in case of interruption, service degradation, or failure of any public or private electricity supplier.
  • xii) In case of use of the Application by the Supplier in a manner not conforming to its intended purpose or unauthorized modification of the Application.
  • xiii) In case of impossibility or difficulty in using the Application resulting from a force majeure event.

Article 22: Obligation to retain identification data

In accordance with the provisions of French law n° 2004-575 of June 21, 2004, for confidence in the digital economy, the Supplier acknowledges that CREWISE is required to hold and retain data that allows the identification of anyone who has contributed to the creation of content or one of the contents of the services of the Application for which CREWISE is the provider.

Article 23: Evidence agreement

CREWISE's computer records related to the connection to the Application and the provision of the Application constitute proof of exchanges with the Supplier and will prevail over those from the Supplier's information systems.

Article 24: Termination

The Account of any Supplier and, consequently, these terms of use (which includes the license to use the Application) may be terminated by operation of law and without judicial intervention in the following cases:

  • i) In case of non-compliance by the Supplier with any of the stipulations provided in these terms of use or non-compliance with a legal or regulatory provision.
  • ii) In case of termination of the subscription taken out by the Supplier for any reason, including in case of termination, cancellation, or at the end of the subscription.
  • iii) In case of illegitimate access to the Application by a third party due to a security breach or fault of the Supplier.

The termination is effective fifteen (15) calendar days after a formal notice to the Supplier, unless the Supplier has fully and completely complied within this period. The formal notice is made by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt. It mentions this clause.

Article 25: Consequences of termination

In case of termination, for any reason, the Supplier's access to and use of the Application will be closed, except for the data, information, and content of its free Account.

Unless requested for deletion by the Supplier, its Profile remains active notwithstanding any termination.

It is the Supplier's responsibility to back up its data, information, and content before termination. The Supplier has no right to copy the data, information, and content of its Account and no right to portability or reversibility of this data, information, and content except as otherwise provided by law.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, CREWISE will retain data, information, and content based on a legal retention obligation to which CREWISE is subject, as well as any data, information, and content necessary for CREWISE, particularly for evidentiary purposes in case of a dispute with a Supplier, a Crew User, or a third party. This data, information, and content will be retained for the duration of the legal prescription periods.

Article 26: Complaint handling

CREWISE provides a complaint handling service related to the Application for any Supplier. The service is available on working days (except Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays according to French legal provisions) from 09:00 to 17:00 (Paris time, France) by email sent to:

Article 27: Indivisibility

Except in the case of the Supplier using a free Account, these terms of use are indivisible from CREWISE's general terms and conditions of sale and any subscription taken out by the Supplier. Consequently, the termination or resolution of the subscription or the general terms and conditions of sale, for any reason, will result in the immediate and automatic termination or resolution of these terms of use, which includes the license to use.

Article 28: Applicable law

These terms of use are subject to French law.

These terms of use are written in French. In case they are translated into one or more languages, only the French text will be authoritative in case of a dispute.

Article 29: Disputes


Article 30: Miscellaneous

Nullity, Invalidity or Inapplicability of a clause and independence of the clauses of these conditions of use - If any of the stipulations of these conditions of use were canceled, invalidated or deemed inapplicable by a law, regulation or court decision that has become res judicata, this stipulation will be deemed unwritten and the other stipulations will remain in force between CREWISE and the Supplier and will retain all their force and scope.

Independence – The Supplier may not in any way be considered as an employee, employee, agent, distributor, principal or representative in any way whatsoever of CREWISE. The Provider accesses and uses the Application for its own account and is independent of CREWISE.

Heading - In the event of a difficulty in interpretation between any of the headings and any clauses, the content of the clause shall prevail over the heading.

Non-waiver - The fact that CREWISE does not request or require the application, execution or observation of a stipulation, obligation or condition provided for in these terms of use, may in no case be considered as a waiver of CREWISE's rights arising from said clause and will not affect CREWISE's right to require its execution or observation at a later date.

Interpretation - Any ambiguous clause in these terms shall be interpreted in accordance with the common sense in use in business. Words written in the singular may be understood in the plural and vice versa.

Modification of these conditions – These conditions may be modified by CREWISE in particular according to legislative developments. The version applicable to the Supplier is the one in force on the day of subscription to any subscription to the Application or on the day of renewal of any contract.


Update date: 08/20/2024